Army Points Worksheet: How to Get Promoted in the Army

Army Points Worksheet – If you’re an enlisted member of the U.S. Army, you know that promotions are based on a point system. The more points you earn, the better your chances of being promoted to the next rank. The Army Points Worksheet (PPW) is a tool the Human Resources Command (HRC) uses to calculate promotion points for enlisted soldiers in the Army. This article will explain the PPW, how to access it, and how to use it to your advantage to get promoted in the Army.

Army Points Worksheet

What is the Army Points Worksheet?

The Army Points Worksheet is a document that lists all the criteria that earn promotion points in the Army. It calculates the number of points an individual has earned and determines their promotion eligibility. The PPW is an essential tool for soldiers who want to get promoted and increase their rank in the Army.

Accessing the Army Points Worksheet

The Army Points Worksheet can be accessed through the Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army (IPPS-A). IPPS-A is a web-based human resources system that allows Army personnel to manage their information online, including personnel records, pay, and promotions. To access the PPW, soldiers must have a Common Access Card (CAC) and be registered in IPPS-A.

Using the Army Points Worksheet

The PPW is divided into several sections, each listing the criteria for earning promotion points. Here are the main sections of the PPW:

  1. Military Training: This section lists the different military courses and training programs soldiers have completed. Soldiers can earn promotion points for completing courses such as the Basic Leader Course (BLC), Advanced Leader Course (ALC), and Senior Leader Course (SLC).
  2. Awards and Decorations: This section lists the different awards and decorations soldiers have received. Soldiers can earn promotion points for receiving awards such as the Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM), Army Achievement Medal (AAM), and Meritorious Service Medal (MSM).
  3. Military Education: This section lists the different education programs soldiers have completed. Soldiers can earn promotion points for completing programs such as the Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP), the Noncommissioned Officer Education System (NCOES), and the Army War College.
  4. Civilian Education: This section lists the different civilian education programs soldiers have completed. Soldiers can earn promotion points for completing college courses, vocational training, and language courses.
  5. Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT): This section lists the results of a soldier’s APFT. Soldiers can earn promotion points for scoring high on the APFT.
  6. Weapons Qualification: This section lists soldiers’ weapons qualification scores. Soldiers can earn promotion points for qualifying with different weapons, such as the M16 rifle and the M9 pistol.
  7. Other: This section lists other criteria to earn promotion points, such as time in service and grade.

Using the PPW to Your Advantage

To use the PPW to your advantage, it is essential to understand how promotion points are awarded. Soldiers should aim to earn as many points as possible in each section of the PPW. Here are some tips for earning promotion points:

  1. Take Military Courses: Completing military courses such as BLC, ALC, and SLC is an excellent way to earn promotion points. Soldiers should look for opportunities to complete these courses and add them to their PPW.
  2. Receive Awards and Decorations: Soldiers should strive to receive awards and decorations like ARCOM, AAM, and MSM. These awards look good on a soldier’s record and earn them promotion points.
  3. Complete Military and Civilian Education: Soldiers should use military and civilian education programs to earn promotion points. Completing programs such as ACCP and NCOES shows that soldiers are dedicated to their careers and willing to learn.
  4. Score High on the APFT: A soldier’s APFT score can earn them promotion points. Soldiers should aim to score as high as possible on the APFT by training regularly and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Qualify with Different Weapons: Soldiers should aim to qualify with as many different weapons as possible, such as the M16 rifle and the M9 pistol. This shows that a soldier is proficient with various weapons and can earn promotion points.

In conclusion, the Army Points Worksheet is an essential tool for enlisted soldiers who want to get promoted in the Army. Soldiers should strive to earn as many promotion points as possible by completing military courses, receiving awards and decorations, completing military and civilian education programs, scoring high on the APFT, and qualifying with different weapons. By using the PPW to their advantage, soldiers can increase their chances of getting promoted and advancing their careers in the Army.