Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable – Easily Track Your Points

Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable: Everything You Need to Know

Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable – The Army Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW) is a tool that helps soldiers keep track of their promotion points. The PPW is used to calculate the Promotion Point score for soldiers who are eligible for promotion to the ranks of Sergeant through Sergeant Major. In this article, we will discuss the fillable version of the PPW and everything you need to know about it.

Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable

What is the Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable?

The Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable is an electronic version of the PPW. It is accessible through the Integrated Personnel and Pay System–Army (IPPS-A), the Army’s new online human resources tool. The fillable version of the PPW is designed to make it easier for soldiers to keep track of their promotion points and to ensure that their information is accurate and up-to-date.

How to Access the Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable?

To access the Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable, soldiers must have a Common Access Card (CAC) and be registered in the IPPS-A system. Once registered, soldiers can access the fillable version of the PPW by logging into the IPPS-A system and navigating to the Promotion Point Worksheet tab. Soldiers can access the PPW through the Army Career Tracker (ACT) website.

How to Fill Out the Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable?

Filling out the Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable is similar to filling out the paper version of the PPW. Soldiers must enter their personal information, military education, civilian education, awards and decorations, military training, and APFT scores. The fillable version of the PPW will automatically calculate the Promotion Point score based on the information entered by the soldier.

Personal Information

The first section of the Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable is the Personal Information section. Here, soldiers must enter their name, Social Security number, date of birth, rank, component, and duty station. Soldiers must ensure that this information is accurate and up-to-date. Any errors or discrepancies in this section can result in the soldier not receiving the correct promotion points.

Military Education

The Military Education section of the PPW is where soldiers must enter their military education information. Soldiers can earn promotion points for completing military courses such as Basic Leader Course (BLC), Advanced Leader Course (ALC), Senior Leader Course (SLC), and Master Leader Course (MLC). Soldiers must ensure they have the correct documentation to prove completion of these courses.

Civilian Education

The Civilian Education section of the PPW is where soldiers must enter their civilian education information. Soldiers can earn promotion points for completing college courses, civilian education courses, and advanced degrees. Soldiers must ensure they have the correct documentation to prove completion of these courses.

Awards and Decorations

The Awards and Decorations section of the PPW is where soldiers must enter their awards and decorations information. Soldiers can earn promotion points for receiving awards such as the Army Achievement Medal (AAM), Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM), and Meritorious Service Medal (MSM). Soldiers must have the correct documentation to prove receipt of these awards.

Military Training

The Military Training section of the PPW is where soldiers must enter their military training information. Soldiers can earn promotion points for completing certain military courses such as Airborne School, Ranger School, and the Sapper Leader Course. Soldiers must ensure they have the correct documentation to prove completion of these courses.

APFT Scores

The APFT Scores section of the PPW is where soldiers must enter their APFT scores. Soldiers earn promotion points based on their performance on the APFT. Soldiers must ensure that their scores are accurately entered into the PPW.

Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable

Click Here for Army Promotion Point Worksheet Fillable.