Where To Find PPW Army?

Where To Find PPW Army? As an Army service member, keeping track of your promotions and career progression is important. One of the ways the Army evaluates your career is through the Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW). The PPW is a document that tracks your promotion points earned through military education, training, and skills. However, finding your PPW can be a bit challenging. This article will guide you on accessing your PPW and where to find PPW Army.

Where To Find PPW Army?

Accessing Your PPW Army

Log into the Army’s Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army (IPPS-A) to access your PPW. IPPS-A is the Army’s online HR system that provides service members access to their personnel, pay, and benefits information. To access IPPS-A, you need a Common Access Card (CAC) and must be registered with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS).

Once you have logged into IPPS-A, you can access your PPW by clicking on the My Record tab and selecting Promotion Points Worksheet from the drop-down menu. Your PPW shows your promotion points for the current month and the previous 12 months.

Where To Find PPW Army

Now that you know how to access your PPW, the next question is, where do you find PPW Army? Here are some ways to find your PPW:

1. HRC Website

The Human Resources Command (HRC) website is the official source of information for Army personnel. You can find a link to your PPW on the HRC website under the Soldier Tools tab and selecting Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW). This link will take you to IPPS-A, where you can access your PPW.

2. Army Career Tracker (ACT)

Army Career Tracker (ACT) is a web-based system that allows service members to manage their career development. You can access your PPW through ACT by clicking on the Tools tab and selecting Promotion Point Worksheet. This will take you to IPPS-A, where you can access your PPW.

3. My Record Portal

The My Record Portal is a secure web-based system that allows service members to access their records and information. You can access your PPW through the My Record Portal by clicking the Access My Record button and selecting Promotion Point Worksheet. This will take you to IPPS-A, where you can access your PPW.


The Army Knowledge Online (AKO) and Defense Knowledge Online (DKO) are web-based systems that provide access to Army resources and information. You can find a link to your PPW on AKO/DKO by clicking on the My Personnel tab and selecting Promotion Point Worksheet. This will take you to IPPS-A, where you can access your PPW.

5. Army Training Network (ATN)

The Army Training Network (ATN) is a web-based system that provides access to Army training resources and information. You can find a link to your PPW on ATN by clicking on the Training Management tab and selecting Promotion Point Worksheet. This will take you to IPPS-A, where you can access your PPW.

Tips for Improving Your PPW

Now that you know where to find PPW Army, it’s essential to understand how to improve your PPW. Here are some tips:

  1. Complete Military Education. Military education courses like the Warrior Leader Course (WLC) can earn you promotion points. Completing these courses shows your dedication to your career and demonstrates your knowledge and skills.
  2. Attend Training. Attending training courses, such as the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), can earn you promotion points. These courses help keep you physically fit and demonstrate your commitment to your career.
  3. Earn Certifications. Earning certifications, such as the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification, can earn you promotion points. These certifications demonstrate your knowledge and skills in a specific area and show your dedication to your career.
  4. Participate in Community Service. Participating in community service activities, such as volunteering at a local food bank or shelter, can earn you promotion points. These activities show your dedication to your community and commitment to your career.

Finding your PPW Army is essential for tracking your promotion points and evaluating your career progression. You can access your PPW through various Army systems, such as IPPS-A, HRC, ACT, My Record Portal, AKO/DKO, and ATN. To improve your PPW, consider completing military education, attending training, earning certifications, and participating in community service. By following these tips and regularly checking your PPW, you can improve your career prospects and achieve your goals in the Army.